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TopGear Tuning Surrey

Is EGR Delete Legal in the UK?

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Hello, fellow petrolheads! If you're into tuning your vehicle for better performance, you might have come across the term 'EGR delete'. But what does it mean, and importantly, is EGR delete legal in the UK? Let's dive in and explore.

Understanding EGR: What It Is and How It Works

The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system is a crucial part of your vehicle, especially when it comes to emissions control. But what does it do exactly?

The Purpose of EGR Systems

The EGR system's primary job is to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, which are harmful to the environment. It does this by recirculating some exhaust gases back into the engine. By doing so, it reduces the amount of oxygen in the air/fuel mixture, lowering combustion temperatures and subsequently reducing nitrogen oxide emissions.

How EGR Affects Vehicle Performance

However, this noble pursuit of cleaner emissions might not always sit well with performance enthusiasts. Some argue that the EGR system can lead to a reduction in engine performance and efficiency, and even cause engine damage due to the reintroduction of exhaust gases.

The Debate: Pros and Cons of EGR Delete

There's quite a bit of debate in the motor world about whether or not deleting the EGR system (aka 'EGR delete') is a good idea.

Advantages of EGR Delete

On one side of the fence, some folks argue that EGR deletion can lead to improved engine performance, increased fuel economy, and potentially prolonged engine life by eliminating the potential for carbon build-up in the intake manifold.

Disadvantages of EGR Delete

On the other side, critics of EGR delete warn that it can lead to higher engine operating temperatures, potentially increasing the risk of engine damage. It also results in increased emissions, which is not great news for our environment.

EGR Delete and UK Law

Now for the million-dollar question – is EGR delete legal in the UK?

Current Legal Position

The simple answer is no. UK law states that tampering with the vehicle's emissions system, which includes the EGR system, is illegal.

Possible Penalties for EGR Delete

If found guilty, you could be hit with hefty fines, and your vehicle could fail its MOT test.

Impact on MOT Test

Speaking of the MOT test...

How EGR Delete Can Affect Your MOT Test

An EGR delete can cause a vehicle to fail its MOT due to increased emissions levels. The MOT test includes an emissions test, and any vehicle found to be emitting too much nitrogen oxide could fail.

Alternatives to EGR Delete

So, if you can't legally delete your EGR, what other solutions exist?

Other Solutions for EGR Issues

One common recommendation is to maintain your EGR system regularly to keep it functioning optimally. This can include cleaning the EGR valve to prevent carbon build-up.

EGR Cleaning and Maintenance

Regularly cleaning your EGR valve and maintaining your EGR system can help prolong its life, reduce issues, and even improve performance.


While EGR delete might sound appealing from a performance standpoint, the legal and environmental implications in the UK make it a no-go. Instead, regular EGR system maintenance is the best route to take to keep your vehicle running at its best without falling foul of the law.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is EGR delete legal in the UK? No, EGR delete is not legal in the UK.

  2. What are the penalties for EGR delete in the UK? You could face hefty fines and your vehicle could fail its MOT test.

  3. Does EGR delete improve performance? While some argue it can, the potential for higher operating temperatures and increased emissions make it a risky and illegal modification in the UK.

  4. Can my car fail MOT because of EGR delete? Yes, an EGR delete can cause your vehicle to fail its MOT due to increased nitrogen oxide emissions.

  5. What are the alternatives to EGR delete? Regular maintenance, including cleaning of the EGR valve and system, is the best alternative to EGR delete.


If all this talk about EGR has you concerned about the performance and legality of your own vehicle, we've got just the solution for you. TopGear Tuning in Surrey is your one-stop shop for all things vehicle tuning. Our dedicated team of experts offers a range of services from ECU remapping to EGR solutions, all tailor-made to comply with UK law and enhance your vehicle's performance. Want to ride smoothly, efficiently, and most importantly - legally? Look no further! We will help you get the most out of your vehicle while keeping it within the legal limits. So why wait? Give your vehicle the attention it deserves. Contact us today for a friendly chat and first-hand expert advice!

Remember, when it comes to your vehicle's performance, the legal way is always the best way. Be safe, be smart, and always stay in the right gear with TopGear Tuning.

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